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Apa tu lemak perut? Ada orang dia gemuk, tapi seluruh badan dia berisi..tapi ada orang yang tak nampak gemuk, tapi perut dia buncit Nauzubillah. Tau tak perut buncit tu bahaya. Tak seksi. Not at all! Tak caya meh baca apa yang saya temui dari www.dummies.com.
Belly fat, also known as visceral fat, is considered the most
harmful form of fat in your body. This type of fat has been linked with
everything from insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, heart disease,
and type 2 diabetes to an increased risk for certain cancers.
Lemak perut, juga dikenali sebagai lemak visceral, dianggap bentuk lemak yang paling berbahaya dalam badan anda. Lemak jenis
ini dikaitkan dengan berbagai-bagai masalah kesihatan antaranya rintangan
insulin, sindrom metabolik, penyakit jantung dan kencing manis jenis 2, sehinggalah kepada peningkatan risiko kanser tertentu.
You may be surprised to find out that even if you’re
relatively slim, you can still have a high percentage of body fat,
particularly in your midsection. Also, if you’re overweight, you need to
understand that belly fat truly is different from other fat that’s
distributed to other areas of your body.
mungkin terkejut jika mengetahui walaupun anda kurus, anda
masih boleh mempunyai peratusan lemak badan yang tinggi , terutamanya di
bahagian perut. Dan juga
jika anda gemuk, anda perlu faham yang
lemak perut adalah berbeza daripada lemak lain diserata badan anda .
In general, you need to work on reducing the fat all over your body,
especially in your midsection, to decrease your risk of obesity-related
diseases and disorders.
umum, anda perlu kurangkan lemak di seluruh badan anda,
terutamanya di bahagian perut untuk mengurangkan risiko penyakit
yang berkaitan obesiti dan penyakit lain.
Distinguish belly fat from the other types of fat
Membezakan lemak perut dan lemak lain
Your body contains the following three types of fat:
Badan anda mengandungi tiga jenis lemak:
- Triglycerides: This type of fat circulates in your bloodstream. It makes up about 95 percent of the fat within your body.
- Subcutaneous fat: This fat is the layer that lies directly below the skin’s surface, between the skin and the abdominal wall.
- Visceral fat: Otherwise known as the dangerous belly fat, visceral fat is the kind located deep within your belly.Lemak visceral : Juga dikenali sebagai lemak perut yang berbahaya, lemak visceral adalah jenis yang terletak jauh di dalam perut anda.
Visceral fat hangs beneath the muscles in your
stomach. This placement is what makes the fat so damaging to your
health. Because this fat is so close to your internal organs, it becomes
their best energy source.
Lemak visceral berada di bawah otot di dalam perut anda. Penempatan ini yang membuatkan lemak tersebut merosakkan kesihatan anda. Oleh kerana lemak ini begitu dekat dengan organ-organ dalaman anda, ia menjadi sumber tenaga terbaik mereka.
Think about it this way: If you could buy food from the corner store
or the store clear across town, which would you pick? The nearby corner
store, of course! Your body thinks in the same way. Why would it pull
fat stores from subcutaneous fat in your arms if it can get energy right
next door in your abdomen?
Fikirkan dengan
cara ini: Jika anda perlu membeli makanan dari kedai berdekatan atau kedai yang jauh, yang mana anda akan pilih? Sudah tentu kedai berdekatan! Badan anda berfikir dengan cara yang sama. Mengapa
ia perlu menarik simpanan lemak di tangan anda jika ia boleh mendapat tenaga dari abdomen bersebelahan?
The visceral fat provides a constant, steady stream of energy to your
internal organs, which is where the major health risks lie.
visceral menyediakan aliran tenaga berterusan kepada organ-organ
dalaman anda, itu di mana risiko kesihatan utama mengambil tempat.
You’re probably wondering how you can tell what part of your belly is
subcutaneous fat and what part is visceral fat. The subcutaneous fat is
the outermost layer of fat; it’s the fat you can pinch between your
fingers. This layer sits on top of the abdominal muscle tissue. Below
the muscle tissue, where you can’t see with your eyes or pinch with your
fingers, lays the visceral fat. As you can see in this figure, the
visceral fat surrounds all the organs in the abdominal cavity.
mungkin tertanya- tanya bagaimana untuk tahu bahagian mana daripada perut anda adalah lemak subkutaneus dan yang mana visceral. Lemak subkutaneus adalah lapisan paling luar lemak; ia lemak yang anda boleh picit antara jari anda. Lapisan ini duduk di atas tisu otot abdomen. Di bawah tisu otot , di mana anda tidak dapat melihat dengan mata anda atau picit dengan jari, di situ terletaknya lemak visceral. Seperti yang anda lihat dalam rajah ini, lemak visceral mengelilingi semua organ dalam rongga abdomen.
If you can pinch a good amount of subcutaneous fat,
chances are you have a large amount of visceral fat lurking underneath
your abdominal muscles.
anda boleh picit sejumlah lemak subkutaneus pada kulit perut,
anda berkemungkinan mempunyai sejumlah besar lemak visceral di
bawah otot abdomen.
What belly fat does to your body
Kesan lemak perut terhadap badan
It was once thought that fat was just a passive substance; folks
thought it just hung around as stored energy. But, in fact, fat is more
active than first thought. The latest research shows that fat cells,
including both subcutaneous and visceral fat cells, are metabolically
active, secreting hormones and chemicals that can impact every organ in
your body.
Suatu ketika dulu lemak hanya disangka sebagai bahan pasif; kita fikir ia hanya berada di situ sebagai simpanan tenaga. Tetapi , fakta sebenarnya adalah lemak lebih aktif berbanding apa yang diandaikan sebelumnya. Kajian
terbaru menunjukkan sel-sel lemak , termasuk kedua-dua sel-sel
lemak subkutaneus dan mendalam , adalah aktif secara metabolik, merembeskan
hormon dan bahan kimia yang boleh memberi kesan terhadap setiap organ di dalam badan
When you’re at an ideal weight, the hormones and chemicals secreted
by fat cells are actually healthy. They do a number of positive things,
such as regulate insulin, help to regulate appetite by allowing you to
feel satisfied after eating, and even help burn stored fat.
Jika anda mempunyai berat badan yang ideal, hormon dan bahan kimia yang dirembeskan oleh sel-sel lemak sebenarnya menyihatkan. Ia melakukan beberapa perkara yang positif seperti mengawal paras insulin, membantu mengawal selera makan dengan membuatkan anda merasa berpuas hati selepas makan, dan juga membantu membakar lemak yang tersimpan .
The problem arises when you have more and larger fat cells than
normal, which often occurs in an individual who’s overweight. These
larger fat cells produce more hormones and chemicals than your body
needs, which can impact your health over time and place you at risk for
diseases like diabetes, stroke, heart attack, and even certain cancers.
Masalah timbul apabila anda mempunyai sel-sel lemak yang lebih banyak dan lebih besar daripada biasa, yang mana sering berlaku pada individu yang mempunyai berat badan berlebihan. Sel-sel lemak yang lebih besar menghasilkan lebih banyak hormon dan bahan kimia melebihi keperluan badan, yang mana boleh memberi kesan terhadap kesihatan anda dari masa ke masa dan menjadikan anda berisiko menghidapi penyakit seperti kencing manis, strok , serangan jantung , dan malahan kanser.
What makes visceral fat cells more dangerous than
other fat cells is that they’re thought to produce an even greater
amount of harmful chemicals, such as excessive hormones and toxins. And
because this fat is so close to all your organs, especially the liver,
it can be damaging to all your body’s systems.
Apa yang membuatkan sel-sel lemak visceral lebih berbahaya berbanding sel-sel lemak yang lain adalah ia menghasilkan jumlah bahan kimia berbahaya yang lebih besar, seperti hormon berlebihan dan toksin. Dan kerana lemak ini sangat dekat dengan semua organ-organ anda, terutamanya hati, ia boleh merosakkan semua sistem badan anda.
For example, here’s how this fat can affect your liver: After blood
circulates through the visceral fat, it’s directly transported to the
liver. The dangerous substances produced by the visceral fat are
constantly being rapidly transported to your liver throughout the day
(unlike subcutaneous fat stores in your legs and arms, which wait to be
called on for energy before releasing fat stores and their byproducts).
Sebagai contoh, ini adalah bagaimana lemak tersebut boleh memberi kesan kepada hati anda: Selepas darah beredar melalui lemak visceral , ia secara langsung diangkut ke hati. Bahan-bahan berbahaya yang dihasilkan oleh lemak visceral setiap masa diangkut ke hati anda sepanjang hari (tidak seperti lemak subkutaneus yang tersimpan di kaki dan tangan anda, yang membakar simpanan lemak dan melepaskan produk sampingannya hanya apabila tenaga diperlukan.
This increased fat processing in the liver can lead to the
development of fatty liver disease and elevated LDL cholesterol levels
(the “lousy,” or damaging cholesterol).
Peningkatan jumlah lemak yang diproses di dalam hati ini boleh membawa kepada pembentukan penyakit hati berlemak dan paras kolesterol LDL (kolestrol yang " buruk, " atau merosakkan) .
Bagaimana Omega Guard membantu bakar lemak perut? Ini penjelasannya.
Omega-3 fats help you burn fat by helping your body respond better to a hormone called Leptin (Leptin is the Greek word for thin) and…
- Leptin tells your body (your brain) to suppress your appetite making you eat less so you can maintain or lose weight and…
- Leptin increases your metabolism by increasing your thyroid output (your thyroid regulates your metabolism) and on top of all that…
- Leptin also causes your body to burn fat for energy so…
If your body isn't responding well to Leptin then the reverse happens - You'll be hungrier, and you'll store more fat so… You can take Omega-3 fats to help your body respond much better to Leptin so you can increase your fat-burning metabolism and…Click here to get Omega-3 fats to lose weight
Omega-3 fats are found in salmon, flaxseeds, nuts, Omega-3 supplements and these other 79 foods sources of Omega-3 fats and…
3 more ways Omega-3 fats help you lose weight is…
1- Omega-3 fats help you control your hunger by stabilizing your blood sugar levels and…
2- An Australian study showed that when people took Omega-3 fats while on an exercise program burned more fat than people who Only Exercised (without taking Omega-3 fats) and people who exercised & took other types of fat and…
3- Studies done in Japan & The Czech republic suggest that Omega-3 fats prevent the creation of ugly body fat and these same studies suggested Omega-3 fats promote more fat burning.
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Hubungi Saya :
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* Produk ini bukan bertujuan untuk mendiagnos, merawat,menyembuhkan atau mencegah sebarang penyakit.
* COD - Skudai; Gelang Patah; Bukit Indah; Perling; Tun Aminah; Tampoi; Bandar Baru Uda; Kempas; Mount Austin, Larkin; Taman Pelangi; Permas Jaya; Ulu Tiram; Masai; Pasir Gudang; Johor Bahru amnya dan pos laju ke SELURUH MALAYSIA.
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