Lemak Baik Yang Boleh Bakar / Cairkan Lemak Badan Yang Jahat

Omega 3 boleh bakar lemak bukan omong kosong tau. Ini asasnya beserta bukti kajian. Tapi ia tak berhenti sekadar di situ. Pilih Omega Guard untuk bakar lemak adalah pilihan bijak sebab ia mengandungi DHA dan EPA sangat baik untuk otak. Bertambah genius la kalau consume Omega Guard untuk bakar lemak. hihi. Buktinya hubby Puan Mariana kehilangan lemak pada perut dengan bantuan Omega Guard.

Kalau nak tengok lagi testimoni Omega Guard untuk kurus boleh klik link tu. Hari ni nak share ilmu tentang lemak baik yang mampu cairkan lemak jahat. lemak pun ada baik ada jahat sama macam kolestrol, bakteria, manusia..oppss..hehe..saya ambil dari sumber ni.

4 Fats That Burn Body Fat

1. Omega-3 fats

Omega-3 fats help you burn fat by helping your body respond better to a hormone called Leptin (Leptin is the Greek word for thin) and…

- Leptin tells your body (your brain) to suppress your appetite making you eat less so you can maintain or lose weight and…
- Leptin increases your metabolism by increasing your thyroid output (your thyroid regulates your metabolism) and on top of all that…
- Leptin also causes your body to burn fat for energy so…

If your body isn't responding well to Leptin then the reverse happens - You'll be hungrier, and you'll store more fat so… You can take Omega-3 fats to help your body respond much better to Leptin so you can increase your fat-burning metabolism and…Click here to get Omega-3 fats to lose weight

Omega-3 fats are found in salmon, flaxseeds, nuts, Omega-3 supplements and these other 79 foods sources of Omega-3 fats and…

3 more ways Omega-3 fats help you lose weight is…

1- Omega-3 fats help you control your hunger by stabilizing your blood sugar levels and…
2- An Australian study showed that when people took Omega-3 fats while on an exercise program burned more fat than people who Only Exercised (without taking Omega-3 fats) and people who exercised & took other types of fat and…
3- Studies done in Japan & The Czech republic suggest that Omega-3 fats prevent the creation of ugly body fat and these same studies suggested Omega-3 fats promote more fat burning. 

2. CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)

CLA is good for helping you get rid of belly fat and According to The International Journal of Obesity (August, 2001)…


A group of overweight men taking CLA lost mostly belly fat and they reduced their waistlines by 1 inch while taking CLA and the CLA helped them lose all that belly fat without making any diet or lifestyle changes and…

In a similar study women lost mostly only belly & thigh fat with CLA and they reduced their waistlines by1.2 inches and…

CLA also helps you Burn fat & gain leaner muscles at the same time

A group of overweight people lost 9% of their body fat and increased their lean muscle mass by 1-to-2% just by taking CLA with NO changes in their diet or lifestyle - this all happened during a year-long research study done by the Scandinavian Clinical Research Group and…

CLA prevents your body from storing fat

A University of Wisconsin Study at Madison concluded that CLA is good for preventing weight gain in people who had previously lost weight dieting and even if dieters gained weight after dieting while still taking CLA - half of the weight gained back was lean muscle (and you know muscle burns fat anyway)

Listen to this: "CLA doesn't make a big fat cell get little. What it rather does is keep a little fat cell from getting big." - Michael Pariza, director of the Food Research Institute, on his findings from the University of Wisconsin Study at Madison on CLA and…

CLA can be found in Organic beef, dairy products and these other 18 foods high in CLA here or you can take a CLA supplement like Tonalin CLA

Apa ada dalam Lecithin?

Asid linoleik (essential fatty acid) yang amat diperlukan oleh badan. Tapi badan tidak boleh menghasilkannya sendiri dan ia perlu diambil melalui diet harian.
Kolin - satu komponen neurotransmitter (memberikan impuls dari saraf satu ke saraf yang lain)
Asetikolina - bekal biokimia untuk penghantaran mesej di dalam otak dan sistem pernafasan.
Inositol - sebagai komponen utama membran / selaput sel dalam tisu di seluruh badan

3. Omega-6 Fats

Many studies show how the Omega-6 fats Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) & Linolenic acid (LA) help you burn fat - for example with GLA…

People lost between 9-to-11 pounds in 6 weeks while taking GLA during a study done by Dr Mri who's a researcher and consultant at the Welsh National School of Medicine in Cardiff but…Click here to burn fat faster with Evening Primose Oil

The good & bad news about most studies involving GLA is you have to be at least 10-to-20% overweight to see any results but…

GLA prevents weight gain in people who've lost weight plus GLA is also an appetite suppressant since it raises the levels of serotonin (and serotonin is a hormone that makes you feel full and eat less) and…

GLA raises your metabolism by making the "Brown fat" in your body burn calories to keep your body warm and… Brown fat (or Brown Adipose tissue or BAT) is not the same as the ugly "white" fat that accumulates on your arms, belly, thighs and other problem areas because…

Brown fat's main job is to burn fat calories for energy to keep your body warm but usually brown fat is not as active in overweight people and that's why You need GLA so you can "turn on" Brown fat so it can help you burn off the ugly "white" fat and…

As for the other Omega-6 fat Linolenic acid (LA)…

Women lost 2-to-4 pounds of fat and gained firmer muscles just by supplementing with Linolenic acid (LA) without any significant changes to their diet & exercise programs over a 16 week study and…

GLA & LA can be found in Borage Oil, Evening Primrose Oil and these 28 foods high in Omega-6 fats and please note that…

CLA is also an Omega-6 fat but…

You need to eat equal amounts of Omega-3 & Omega-6 fats or…

You need to make sure you eat up to 4 times more Omega-3 fats than Omega-6 fats for health reasons and…

This is something that you really don't have to worry about if you eat a healthy diet that includes most of these weight loss foods here while avoiding most of these bad foods here (especially the fast foods) that causes you to eat more Omega-6 fats.

4. MCTs (medium chain triglycerides)

MCTs will increase your metabolism, your body is more likely to use MCTs for energy instead of storing it as fat and MCTs help curb your appetite and because of these facts…

Farmers will not feed their animals foods high in MCTs like coconut oil because it will keep their animals very lean and…

A group of 31 overweight people lost an average of 7 lbs. during a 16 week study when they included MCT oil in their muffins and in another 12 week study…

2 groups of people were put on almost the same exact diet but the only difference was… One group got it's fat mainly from regular dietary fat while the other group got it's fat only from MCTs and…

The group taking MCTs lost 8½ lbs. (2½ lbs. more than the other group) and…

The combined results of many studies on MCTs all conclude that you can lose up to 12-to-36 pounds a year just by replacing the regular fat in your diet with MCTs and…

Coconut Oil & Palm Oil are all good sources of MCTs or you can use a MCT supplement

How to include these fats in your diet to lose weight faster…

Remember: Fats only need to be 10-to-30% of your diet if you're trying to lose weight or build muscle and…

You want to make sure that Most of or… ALL the fats you eat are Omega-3, CLA, Omega-6 and/or MCT fats if you want to burn fat faster and…

You can easily get most of those fats by eating more lean proteins like fish, organic beef, nuts & beans but if you find you can't get enough of these healthy fats in your diet…

You can take Omega-3, CLA, Omega-6 and/or MCT supplements

So dah tahu manfaat Omega Guard, jangan tunggu lama2..jom grab sebotol hari ni. Harga terbaik saya offer. Cara makan untuk kurus saya ajar selepas pembelian ye. Ramai repeat order Omega Guard ni kalau u all nak tau :-)
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